
In the interest of being better able to keep this list up to date, I'm no longer going to be posting my own synopsis/comments about the books I've been reading. Instead, I'm just going to post the blurb from the cover. To be honest, it takes a lot for me to not like a book, so you can pretty well bet that only the keepers make it to my booklist.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Black Dagger Brotherhood

by J.R. Ward

There are four books so far in this series, the fifth is due out in September.

Buy them, read them, you won't be disappointed.

The Black Dagger Brotherhood is a band of 6 kick ass vampires (and one human). Their duty is to protect the younger vampires from a group of slayers known as the Lessening Society. They do it efficiently and with style.

It is hot reading, and the sex ain't bad either!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Hot Spell

What can I say about this anthology except it was well named!

The Countess's Pleasure by Emma Holly
This story is historical fantasy, set in Emma Holly's alternate Victorian England where Yama, or demons, are known to exist. A widowed countess pays for a single night with a Yama dancer and certainly gets her money's worth.

The Breed Next Door by Lora Leigh
The hero for this story is a genetically enhanced feline/human hybrid. He is the perfect man - tall, strong, handsome, and he cleans up after himself.

Falling For Anthony by Meljean Brook
This one was set in historic England. In it we have a young woman's misguided attempt to deal with the pain of disillusionment, a guardian angel, and a vampire. I think what surprised me the most was that it had a happy ending.

The Blood Kiss by Shiloh Walker
Normally I'm a big fan of the blood-suckers, but I can't say I cared much for their king in this story. Nor did I like the archaic way he treated the women of his clan, especially his own daughter. The king of the werewolves however . . . HOT!

Once Upon A Kiss

If there's one thing that irks me, it's when stories are recycled for more than one anthology. And once again, Nora Roberts is the culprit.

A World Apart by Nora Roberts
It's not that I didn't enjoy this story the second time around, but it's really going to bug the crap out of me until I figure out where I read it before. It spans two very different dimensions, ours and one of demon infested jungles. And it brings together to very different people: Kadra the Demon Slayer and Harper Doyle, P.I.

Impossible by Jill Gregory
When I started reading this story I was all set to not like it. The evil bad guy kidnaps the princess has never been a favorite with me. But this story turned out to be my favorite in the whole book. The princess isn't a useless ninny and the bad guy isn't so bad after all. The whole thing was very well done.

Sealed With A Kiss by Ruth Ryan Langan
This scenario is another I'm tired of - beautiful untouched daughter is being sent to wed old, but powerful, man as part of a deal her father made. But again, this one was better than I thought it would be. Arianna had an interesting way of dealing with her problem and the results were even more interesting.

Kiss Me, Kate by Marianne Willman
What would you do if you inherited a fully furnished English Manor? Yeah, I'd be on the first plane to England too. If you've ever thought of kissing a frog to see if he'd turn into a handsome prince, this story is for you. It was thoroughly enjoyable.