
In the interest of being better able to keep this list up to date, I'm no longer going to be posting my own synopsis/comments about the books I've been reading. Instead, I'm just going to post the blurb from the cover. To be honest, it takes a lot for me to not like a book, so you can pretty well bet that only the keepers make it to my booklist.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June (so far)

edited by Kim Harrison

Yummy. What more needs to be said? ;-)

This book has twelve stories of the paranormal, stories that are both seductive and hot. This is actually the fourth in the Hell series, the first three being Holidays Are From Hell, Dates From Hell, and Weddings From Hell. And yes, I have the others, and yes, they’re all just as good as this one. It’s refreshing to see the paranormal branching out in so many different directions. This book is such a keeper that I ended up with two of them.

by Jean Brashear
Harlequin SuperRomance

This was amongst some of the books I’d set aside for the daughter (who’s not into the paranormal) to read and when she gave it back to me I read it again. Technically, this isn’t a read, but a re-read book. I still enjoyed it, just as much as the first time around. Roan O’Hara is a woman on the edge, trying to overcome some really daunting obstacles to make it on her own. In steps Zane MacAllister, a Hollywood heartthrob with a knight in shining armour complex who’s hiding out from the paparazzi . They both have secrets that need to be shared, but Roan still has her own battles that she needs to face alone.

by Rachel Gibson

The daughter gave me this one to read, and if she doesn’t want it back it’ll definitely go onto my keeper shelf. I couldn’t believe she bought this book herself, it has S*E*X in it - that was always her big complaint about the books I read, they have to much sex (for her, at least).

Lucy has been checking out the internet dating scene for research. She writes murder mysteries for a living and is looking to use the men she meets up with as victims for her fictional murders. Enter Quinn, the latest in her series of internet dates she’s arranged to meet at a coffee shop. Only Quinn isn’t what he seems to be either. He’s actually an undercover cop who’s searching for a serial killer. A killer whose MO is strikingly similar to the novel Lucy is penning. This book is face paced and funny, as well as sexy in all the right places.

by Katie MacAllister

This is the sequel to Zen and the Art of Vampires, which I’ve posted about previously. In the first book, Pia Thomason is tired of her hum drum life and signs up for a singles tour of Europe. She gets more than her money’s worth of adventure and romance, and ends up married to a vampire.

This volume continues the where the first one left off. Pia is back home in Seattle and has neither seen nor heard from her vampire husband, Kristoff in nearly two months. This is definitely not a stand alone novel, you’re going to end up as confused as Pia and Kristoff if you haven’t read the first one first. This is still a good read, however, as all Katie MacAllister books are. Pia has body issues and Kristoff has trust issues, and the journey they take together is worth the price of the book. I’ll warn you right now though, it looks like there’ll be another volume because there were a lot of loose ends that didn’t get tied up.