
In the interest of being better able to keep this list up to date, I'm no longer going to be posting my own synopsis/comments about the books I've been reading. Instead, I'm just going to post the blurb from the cover. To be honest, it takes a lot for me to not like a book, so you can pretty well bet that only the keepers make it to my booklist.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Feast or Famine

As you may have noticed on my other blogs, I haven’t been writing much lately, but I have been reading. I’ve been reading crap loads!

Nevermore by Maureen Child. To be honest, I couldn’t remember reading this book, I only know I did because it was on my current reading list on the other blog. It was a Silhouette Nocturne and I had to look it up on the internet to jog my memory. To be fair to the book, I probably read it before Christmas and I’ve read a lot of books since then. However, even after reading the blurb I still only vaguely remember it, which speaks volumes on the impression it made on me.

The Silhouette Nocturnes seem to be feast or famine with me. I’ll buy several in a row and then nothing for a couple of months. December was a “feast” month. I also read Winter Kissed, which is a two in one - A Kiss of Frost by Michele Hauf, and Ice Bound by Vivi Anna. Both excellent stories, although I wasn’t entirely happy with the way A Kiss of Frost ended. I also read Enemy Lover by Bonnie Vanak and Alpha Wolf by Linda O. Johnston. These were both werewolf romances, both very different, and both very enjoyable.

I also read a bunch of Blaze, holiday themed romances but I couldn’t tell you what they were because I’ve already passed them on to a friend. I like the occasional Blaze because they live up to their name. They’re quick and hot.

I also read a great anthology: Dead After Dark. This anthology is a must have for anyone who enjoys paranormal romance. I would buy it for the J.R. Ward story alone. I’m not even going to tell you about this book. Go out and buy it and read for yourself. It was that good.

Next I started the Mona Lisa series by Sunny. I’ve come across a couple of short stories from the series in different anthologies, and they were enough to make me search out the novels. So far I’ve only been able to find two of the three Monere novels, but it was worth the search. I haven’t been so lucky with the third one, but hopefully I can order it from the local bookstore.

For Christmas, the cats gave me a big, fat anthology, The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance. Twenty-five vampire stories, all in one big volume. What’s not to like? As with most anthologies, some stories were better than others, but it is still a volume worth having for any vampire lover.

Every once in awhile my BFF drops off a bag 'o books for me - ones that she and other various members in her family have read (it's to my benefit they're not book pack rats like me). I read them and either pass them on or put them on my keeper shelf. One book that made my keeper shelf was Soul of a Highlander, by Melissa Mayhue. I love discovering new authors for my keeper pile! This was the second book by this author and I'm going to have to remember to look for the first one. Highlanders and time travel - two of my favorite subjects. And throw in a drop or two of fae blood and we've got a definite winner!

The last, but certainly not least, of my recently read books is Zen and the Art of Vampires, by Katie MacAlister. I have to admit, although I loved the book (as I do all her books) I was disappointed in the ending. She might as well added "to be continued". It was disappointing because this is the first time she's done this in one of her "Dark Ones" novels. She pulled this in her dragon books, which is why I'm not a big fan of the Aisling Grey or Silver Dragon books.

Okay, back to more reading. Or writing. Or maybe a bit of both.