
In the interest of being better able to keep this list up to date, I'm no longer going to be posting my own synopsis/comments about the books I've been reading. Instead, I'm just going to post the blurb from the cover. To be honest, it takes a lot for me to not like a book, so you can pretty well bet that only the keepers make it to my booklist.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Protector

by Gennita Low

The ironic thing here is that I've been going to her site faithfully for about a year now, and I've bought several of her books, but I've never read any of them until now. I have a whole shelf full of books I haven't read yet. I have a bad habit of buying books I have every intention of reading, but then I get distracted and they're left to languish on my "To be read" shelves. But that's neither here nor there.

Jen has been posting her first novel on her blog, chapter by chapter. I've been enjoying it so much that I pulled out my copy of The Protector. I tried to read it slowly, really I did. But last night I was up until 3 a.m. and this morning I couldn't tear myself away to have my shower before I finished it.

It was good. It was more than good, it was excellent! Now I'm in the mood for more love and adventure with the covert commandos. Good thing I have a copy the next book in the series.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Houston, we have a problem here . . .

I don’t update this blog nearly enough. And why is that (you ask)? It’s because I read too freaking fast. I do not look upon this as a good thing, I see it as a bad thing. Fast reading = going through books like water through a sieve. Slow reading = savouring a book like a fine wine.

When I had my “Recently Read” list up on my other site, it never got updated because by the time I thought to add the book I just finished I’d be several books ahead of that one. Which is why I started this site.

I think my other problem is my lame attempt to try and "review" books. Most reviews are really just personal opinions anyway, so maybe if I stick to the plan of just telling you what I've been reading and my opinion of it I'll post more often.

As the man said: KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)