
In the interest of being better able to keep this list up to date, I'm no longer going to be posting my own synopsis/comments about the books I've been reading. Instead, I'm just going to post the blurb from the cover. To be honest, it takes a lot for me to not like a book, so you can pretty well bet that only the keepers make it to my booklist.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Wow. Bless me readers for I have sinned. It's been many weeks since I finished my last book . . .

I'd like to say I haven't been reading much lately because I've been writing crap loads, but that isn't the case either. I don't know what was going on, I just wasn't in the mood to read or write, just in a mood to brood.

However, that was then, this is now. I signed up for a poetry challenge that has given my writing a much needed boost and I've rekindled my desire to read, read, read!

First on my list was Lucky, by Alice Sebold. My daughter despairs of my love of paranormal romance and erotica, and every once in awhile she'll slip me a "normal" book to read. Considering the subject matter of Lucky, it's the memoir of the author's college years where she was raped and how she survived the trauma, I don't know if I can safely say I enjoyed the book. It's certainly powerful, and I found I preferred to be alone, with no distractions, while I was reading it.

Chapters had a whole bunch of trade paperbacks for $4.99 each or 4 for $10.00. Far be it for me to pass up a bargain so I bought about eight of them. So far I've read two.

Roommates, by Whitney Lyles is a contemporary novel of a writer named Elise who relocates from Arizona to California. Life throws her a few curves, but she manages to come out on top, in spite of a series of less than perfect roommates.

If I Have A Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince by Melissa Kantor is probably meant for the young adult market, but I really enjoyed it. Lucy is a teenager whose father has just remarried and they've relocated from the West Coast to Long Island. The story follows her trials and tribulations as she adjusts to her new family and her new life.

Today I "just happened" to be near a Chapters where I found the next two volumes in the Mona Lisa series by Sunny, a couple of paranormal anthologies, the newest Lynsay Sands Argeneau Vampire book, and the latest in the Michelle Bardsley Broken Heart series.

Good thing I'm back in a reading mood, the books have been piling up fast!

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