
In the interest of being better able to keep this list up to date, I'm no longer going to be posting my own synopsis/comments about the books I've been reading. Instead, I'm just going to post the blurb from the cover. To be honest, it takes a lot for me to not like a book, so you can pretty well bet that only the keepers make it to my booklist.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ghost Girl

by Torey L. Hayden

I read this book pretty much in one setting. Given the subject matter I hesitate to call it "good", but it was certainly compelling.

Torey Hayden is an Educational Psychologist who works with emotionally disturbed children. This is the story of one of the children she worked with, Jadie.

Jadie is an elective mute, which means she has the ability to speak, but chooses not to. In the course of the book, Torey works with Jadie to get her to speak again. But there's more to Jadie's story than just her decision not to speak. Jadie shows signs of abuse and although she confides in Torey, she will not speak to anyone else about it. Torey must convince Jadie to speak out before it's too late for her and her younger sisters.

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