
In the interest of being better able to keep this list up to date, I'm no longer going to be posting my own synopsis/comments about the books I've been reading. Instead, I'm just going to post the blurb from the cover. To be honest, it takes a lot for me to not like a book, so you can pretty well bet that only the keepers make it to my booklist.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Once Upon A Star

Yes, I know it appears that I'm on an anthology kick at the moment. What can I say? I love anthologies.

Ever After by Nora Roberts
I know I've read this story somewhere before, but I haven't a clue where. It features a magical star pendant that helps a woman find her destiny. It takes place on the Irish coast, always a magical place for romance.

Catch A Falling Star by Jill Gregory.
I don't normally like the whole "innocent beauty forced in marriage to hulking brute" type storyline. Probably because it's usually the woman who's forced to do all the changing and compromising. This time there was compromising on both sides. The hulking brute had his reasons for being that way and for being over protective of his princess bride.

The Curse of Castle Clough by Ruth Ryan Langan
I really enjoyed this story. Though it's set in modern times, the castle is old and so is the family name. There's even a ghost lurking about to help with the mystery that needs to be solved before time runs out.

Starry, Starry Night by Marianne Willman
This was my other favorite in the book. A ghost story that's not really a ghost story. A shifting in time that can't be anticipated or depended on. And a very satisfactory ending.

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